在线网络测试测试题 完形填空

I accidentally came across EF online test paper

I really don't know how I did in the test for no corrections or keys for me to check.

Additionally I tried to google and check the answers but some of those below just don't certain.

Here I need your help :)


Scientific research sows that an alarming number of adults suffer from sleep (16)_____ which not only causes a loss of productivity at work but also a significant (17) _____ in the quality of their personal lives.

If you have (18) _____ sleeping the following information may help. Starchy foods encourage the body to produce sleep-promoting hormones. If your digestion is a weak (19) _____ eating late at night and then lying down in bed makes it difficult for your stomach to digest food efficiently. Eating earlier should help as should sleeping with your head (20) _____ up high on a pillow.

(16) (I chose A ) A. deprivation B. denial C. disintegration D. dislocation

(17) (I chose C ) A. fall B. degradation C. loss D. deterioration

(18) (I chose D this one is easy ) A. awkwardness B. fuss C. hindrance D. trouble

(19) (I chose B ) A. fixture B. point C. element D. link

(20) (I chose C ) A. propped B. pinned C. set D. drawn

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